About Us & General Meetings
We aspire to be a welcoming and fun community that people want to be a part of.

Our Story
Millhurst is a community comprising two neighbourhoods within the south-central portion of Mill Woods in the City of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Neighbourhoods within the community include Meyokumin and Sakaw. The community is bounded by 66 Street on the west, 50 Street on the east, 23 Avenue on the north and Anthony Henday Drive on the south. Three schools with playgrounds are located in Millhurst; Meyokumin, St. Richards and Sakaw.
The Millhurst Community League was formed in the fall of 1978. The area had only 150 homes, but this number was expected to triple within two years and the residents realized that they needed to prepare for the traditional services of a community league. It was incorporated on May 11th, 1979 and became the area’s fifth league.
From the start, residents established the creation of playgrounds and recreation facilities as their first priority. Step by step these were established through the combined volunteer effort, fund raising and city grants. By 1985 the league built the community hall.
Today we strive to work together to bring back a sense of community and revitalize our neighbourhood to create fun, safe, family orientated environment. We invite you to become a part of the excitement by becoming a member, attending general meetings every 3 months, volunteer at community events or join the board.
General Meetings
We hold 4 general meetings a year that are open to the public to hear what is happening in the community. If you have a current Millhurst community membership you are permitted to vote on any motions put forward. Meetings are held at the Millhurst community hall (5811 - 19A Avenue) on the
second Wednesday of the following months; September, November, February & June (AGM). Please contact communications@millhurst.ca if you need any additional information.
AGMs start at 7pm.
February 14, 2024
June 12, 2024
September 11, 2024
November 13, 2024