Meyokumin Neighbourhood and Alley Renewal
As neighbourhoods age, things like roads and sidewalks need to be repaired or replaced. The City of Edmonton does this through the Neighbourhood Renewal program. Meyokumin will undergo neighbourhood and alley renewal starting in 2024.
Thank you to those who participated in the public engagement in the spring of 2022. The project team has used your feedback to create design options for renewal. We would like to invite you to see the options for walking, biking, driving, parks and open spaces we have created for renewal in Meyokumin.
Design options, Information and an online survey are available at
No computer, no problem! You can request a paper copy by contacting the project webpage or contact Project Manager Darlene Sanscartier at 780-217-3025 (mobile) and
Sign up for our newsletter on our project website to receive updates and future invitations to participate in public engagement.